Joyce Williams was born in Muskogee, OK and she is apart of a set of Triplets. She is the last one. Joyce has 2 older sisters to. She moved to Tulsa, OK when she was 5 years old. She has been married for 26 years to her lovely husband Rafell. She is also a Military Wife. Her husband retired from the Airforce. She has 2 Beautiful daughters name Constance and Rashida. Rashida is Miranda in her book. They moved to Denver, CO in 2008 for better oppurtunities. Joyce also has a grandson name Ace that Is 2 years old. She worked In the school system as a Teacher Assistant for 9 years and she also was a Youth Director at her home church and at her church in Denver, CO.
Joyce says, she wrote this book because of her experience growing up without an active father in her life at the age of 9. This made life very difficult at times, but she made it through with the help of her grandpa Joseph Graves with his love, guidance, and the love of her God Father Kevin Ferguson. She also hope that every mother and father that reads this book with their daughters, understands the need to have a father figure in a girl's life and will love her, direct her and let her know that they will be there to the end.
Joyce wants all girls to know, "that no matter what you are going through you don't have to carry around that Anger your whole life like she did. Write in a journal or a notebook about how you feel and to speak to your father and let him how you feel".